Life Force Bio-Plex™
Life Force Bio-Plex is a foliar inoculant that produces a complex, multi-dimensional growth response resulting from increased nitrogen and vitamin availability.

Features & Benefits
Life Force Bio-Plex is a foliar inoculant that produces a complex, multi-dimensional growth response resulting from increased nitrogen and vitamin availability. With access to atmospheric nitrogen, your applied nitrogen, and its associated cost, can be reduced. With increased supply of nitrogen, the crop will enjoy higher brix with increased yeild and quality.
What's in Life Force Bio-Plex™?
Life Force Bio-Plex™ is a liquid microbial product that includes a blend of Azotobacter species which are finely tuned nitrogen-fixers, that utilize carbon exudates from the leaf to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere directly into the leaf along with a range of microbes that release natural growth promotants such as gibberellic acid, cytokinins, auxins and indoleacetic acid (IDAA). Bio-Plex also contains species that produce vitamins including C, E and B group, as well as a range of organisms that secrete a substance that can help maintain balance of beneficials on the leaf surface.
Life Force Bio-Plex™can be used as a seedling treatment or foliar spray, as follows:
Foliar Spray
Broadacre Crops and Pasture
Use 50 mL/ac in 25 – 50 L water, depending on canopy closure. Apply as required.
Use 100 mL per 100 L water up to 160 mL/ac equivalent. Apply every 2 weeks or as required
Orchards & Vineyards
Use 100 mL per 100 L water up to 280 mL/ac equivalent. Apply every 3 – 4 weeks or as required
Ornamentals & Turf
Use 100 mL per 100 L water up to 160 mL/ac equivalent. Apply every 3 – 4 weeks or as required.
Use 10 mL per 10 L water and apply as required.
Seedling Treatment
Dip seedlings in a solution of 1 mL per L
Because it contains live micro-organisms, do not mix Bio-Plex with fungicides/bactericides, toxic chemicals or soil fumigants.