MycoApply® Mycorrhizal
MycoApply® Ultrafine Endo contains a diverse combination of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi species to help improve nutrient efficiency, drought tolerance, and maximize yield potential.

Features & Benefits
MycoApply® Ultrafine Endo contains a diverse combination of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi species to help improve nutrient efficiency, drought tolerance, and maximize yield potential. These beneficial fungi rapidly establish a symbiotic relationship with your crop, producing hyphae that can access small soil spaces that root hairs can’t. These hyphae expand beyond the root zone, increasing the root surface area by as much as 50 times and produce enzymes which release plant-available nutrients to your crops.
Application Rates & Guidelines
Apply MycoApply Ultrafine Endo as a seed treatment before planting. Use 1-2kg per tonne of seed, added with a binder such as SeedSpark to help it to adhere to the seed. When mixed with liquid starter fertilizer, use 100-150g/acre, depending on organic matter levels. Fields with lower levels of organic matter should use higher rates to ensure effective populations.
When adding to starter fertilizer, be aware that MycoApply Ultrafine Endo is a suspendable powder and can only pass through a #50 screen. Use appropriate screens and squeeze pump nozzels so clogging does not occur.
Because MycoApply forms a suspension when mixed with water and does not dissolve, constant agitation is required during application to prevent equipment blockages. Spore sizes can be up to 260 μm (0.26 mm)